Auto Body Paint Repair Tips and Techniques

After a recent zoom call with a fellow friend of mine that goes by Chris Coker, owner of the brand Dent Dawg, goes to share with me that auto body paint repair requires skills and experience. It would help if you also had the right equipment and tools to fix any damage to your auto body paint. That’s why you should leave this job to the experts if you don’t have the right skills, equipment, and tools. But, if you opt to repair your auto body paint, here are tips and techniques to follow.
Prepare the Auto Body Paint
Thorough and careful preparation of the auto body paint is the first step. And this entails cleaning the damaged auto body area you want to repair. You should also sand down the car at least to the original paint’s level. And this provides an excellent surface on which you can apply the new plaint.
Remove the Trims
Removing all trims over and around the areas to be painted makes repairing the auto body paint easier. And this can imply the removal of mirrors, grilles, and the bumper when doing the exterior painting work.
Identify the Car Color Code
If you want your vehicle to maintain its original paint color, look for its color code. And this is the color code used by your vehicle’s manufacturer. It describes the color mix the manufacturer used on your car. Finding this code will enable you to get an exact color match for your vehicle.
Mask the Vehicle
Masking is an essential step of the auto body repair process. It enables you to avoid overspray when fixing the damage to your vehicle body paint. Use masking to prepare your vehicle for filler or primer coats. Mask off the areas you don’t intend to paint.
Ensure Event Painting
Pull the spray gun’s trigger before you start painting. Release the trigger or stop once done painting the area you wanted to apply the paint.
Use the Guide Coat
In addition to applying several primers or filler coats, you can use the guide coat to have a smooth auto body paint. And this refers to a thin sparse coat comprising contrasting filler or primer color applied on top of the final primer or filler coat. It also helps determine the smooth, flat, and free of scratch areas of the auto body.
Follow these tips to fix your auto body paint damage. But, if possible, take your vehicle to a reputable auto body shop to ensure excellent results.